The Influencer Trap, one of the most exciting events at the State of Survival. It has good bonuses. For that great rewards, you have a long to-do list.

At State 198, I did some organizing stuff about the Influencer Trap in GI1, TIS, and BAD alliances. I want to share my experiences…

The Influencer Trap – Overview

  • It has 48 hours cooldown. You can do it every 2 days.
  • You need to donate it to start the cooldown timer.
  • The Influencer Trap has 30 levels (for now).
  • The duration of the event is 30 minutes.
  • Every level can be affected by in different ratio of your troops. 0/4/6 ratio of troops may be best for some levels, but it’s not good for others.
  • Your rally damage points decrease at every upper level. That decreasing ratio changing. 248k for level 28 combination not working on level 29. Your damage points decrease about %25 (level 28 to level 29). Lower levels’ decreasing is about %10-20.
  • At last %8-10 stamina of monsters, your rally damage decrease dramatically, maybe %75. You need more rallies than normal at that last stamina level.

Trap Responsible – R4

You need to assign a Responsible for Influencer Trap. There are lots of things that need to be done:

  • Rally leaders positioning (for new players or just after KE, Capital War, SvS events)
  • Rally leaders planning for every trap event. Some leaders can not be online so you need to update the leader plan in real-time.
  • Have to send remindings about basics and heroes.
  • Check online number during event and analyze rally fullness
  • Some warnings may be needed like: “XXX cancel your rally and open again (or exact time)”, “XXX after your rally wait 20 secs and open again”, “XXX open extra rally at MM:SS”…

Trap Placement and Rally Leaders Positioning

First things first. The Influencer Trap building has to be at the center of your alliance zone. So players can join rallies from the same radius.

If your trap building is at the edge of your alliance territory, you have to replace that. Our first placement (level 26):

Put your Alliance HQ and Towers as far as possible from the trap. In this manner, your rally leaders can teleport around the trap.

2 layers around the trap is very important. That places have to be allocated by online rally leaders. Our last placement (level 30):

Mark your rally leaders positions one by one with alliance markers. Rally leaders need to be around trap.

What’s your alliance’s maximum rally capacity?

You need powerful rally leaders and good rally joiners. But you need online players at event time. If they are not online, their power is meaningless.

You can track your online numbers during trap; Take snapshots at the beginning, 5-10 minutes after start, and at the end. Your alliance’s online player count changeable.

Rally leaders’ rally capacities around 970k. Rally joiners average marches around 120k or more. So your rally can be full with 7 or 8 players.

If you have 35 players online at event time, you can open maximum rallies at the same time. Fifth rally probably half. Four rally is better. Try to send full marches always.

Trap Event Timing

Your alliance’s event time like Influencer Trap, can be scheduled at any time you want. Choose that times after work hours better.

That timing is easy when your alliance members mostly from the same country. You can fix it easily.

If you are in an international alliance, that can be difficult. We collected all players’ time zones and used that data to find the best hours (at alliance GI1 – State 198). It’s hard stuff if you have high circulation. UTC 16:00-21:00 best were best times for an alliance event:

With that info, you can fix your event times for maximizing online players.

Roles of Trap Participants

Only two sides we have, rally leaders and rally joiners.

Basic rules for everyone

No infantry: Very low points from infantry (or nothing), you don’t need them. Send riders and hunters.

Use formations: Before the event, save your possible formations and avoid sending infantry.

Troops ratio: I generally send 0/2/8 ratio (infantry/rider/hunter). It’s hard to analyze what is the best troop ratio. There are lots of variables that affect rally damage.

Some players send equal 0/5/5, some send full hunters. Try which is best for you. Also, the best ratio can be different at each level.

War talent tree: It increase your rally marching speed and rally capacity.

Marching capacity boost talent: More troops means more points.

Rally Leaders

Rally Leaders stats, activated buffs (like 2 hours Damage buff), selected heroes, joiner benefits and troops type directly affect rally damage.

Best Hero Combination for Rally Leaders

Latest heroes doesn’t mean they are the best squad for trap. Pick most damage/attack skilled and rally boosted heroes if your heroes have different ranks.

Additionally, upgrading legendary heroes is not very easy. If you are a paid gamer, use last generation full skilled and experienced heroes. Generally, that is best for you.

Don’t underestimate Nikola and Maddie, they are versatile heroes. They are early game heroes and have nice skills. You have a long time to upgrade them. Also, Nikola is the only infected boosted legendary hero.

Formations for Rally Leaders

As a rally leader, 2 formations can useful. The first main formation is for rally leading. The second formation is for joining at the last minutes.

After your rally hit, you can immediately send your second formation to any rally. You do not need to wait first formation.

Fast rally starting: Just after your rally hit, you can see the rally starting button. Click it and open the formation selection page while your troops on the way. When you see that annoying “Troops returned” notification, you only need to select the main rally formation and start. With that early clicks, you can gain 5 seconds per rally.

Rally Joiners

Send your riders and hunters fast.

Best Hero Combination for Rally Joiners

The first skills of your heroes give a benefit to rally. Damage/attack (first) skilled heroes are the best leaders for your squad.

Non-paid gamers can use Sarge or Eva as leader. (not Travis, Maddie or Nikola)

Zoe and Tyler Kurtz can be good selection from legendary class.

First heroes are important for their first damage/attack skills. The second and third heroes’ skills are not important. Choose those 2 heroes to maximize your marching.

Formations for Rally Joiners

Classical way: After rally hit, wait for your troops to come back. Then send them to the next rally. That has some risks. You can easily missed the earliest rally.

Use 2 Formations for Fast Joining: Save 2 formations with different heroes. At the last 5 seconds to rally hit, open the next rally joining page and your second formation. Count seconds and hit the send button.

You can see one marching is approaching, other one is on the way. That is the fastest way for joiners. With that 2 formation styles, you can by-pass the distance disadvantage.

The Influencer Trap Rally Planning

Rally plan is the skeleton of your Influencer Trap strategy, other things are your muscles.

One Wave

Old way, open some rallies with best players and fill them. Then do it again every 5 minutes to the end.

With 25-30 people you can start 3-4 full rallies.

Two Wave

Start with 2 waves for preparation to 3 or more wave system. For 25-30 online:

  • 1st wave go at 29:50 – 3 rally leaders
  • 2nd wave can go at 27:30 – 3 rally leaders
  • Rally joiners have to join the earliest rally.
  • Setup 3 extra rallies at the last 6 minutes.

Three Wave

Things become more complicated. Speed, your ping time, and reactions we need to see. You need more online people.

I gave optimum player interval. Keep in mind that you can have players who are not participating. You need to see %5-10 higher online players than needed players given below.

Start with 3 waves 3 rallies in each wave. You need around 28-32 players:

  • 1st wave go at 29:50 – 3 rally leaders
  • 2nd wave can go at 28:15 – 3 rally leaders
  • 3rd wave can go at 26:45 – 3 rally leaders
  • Setup 3 extra rallies at the last 6 minutes.

Start with 3 waves 4 rallies in each wave. You need around 35-40 players:

  • 1st wave go at 29:50 – 4 rally leaders
  • 2nd wave can go at 28:15 – 4 rally leaders
  • 3rd wave can go at 26:45 – 4 rally leaders
  • Setup 4 extra rallies at the last 6 minutes.

Start with 3 waves 5 rallies in each wave. You need around 48-52 players:

  • 1st wave go at 29:50 – 5 rally leaders
  • 2nd wave can go at 28:15 – 5 rally leaders
  • 3rd wave can go at 26:45 – 5 rally leaders
  • Setup 5 extra rallies at the last 6 minutes.

As BAD Alliance s198, we focused on the last set up at 28 – 29 level. You can see our starting plan for level 29:

We have some gaps in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th wave. That plan shows me where I can add extra rallies. The response of rally leaders directly affects the 5th rally. Second group rally leaders at risk.

As a planner, you need to check rally start times in real-time and add rallies at right time.

As result of that plan we killed level 29 with 73 rallies (around 55 online):

Level 28 killed with 67 rallies (3 waves, 5 rallies per wave – 55-60 online):

Level 27 killed with 49 rallies (3 waves, 4+5+4 rallies – 50-55 online):

Level 30, really hard. State 160 did it but we need some time as State 198.

Don’t skip the rallies: That is a big problem. Always join the earliest rally. Some players think joining the best player’s rally is give them maximum points. Big mistake. Joining more rallies gives you the most points. Also, it is an important part of the kill strategy.

Extra rallies

You need to set up some extra rallies at the end. 2, 3, or 4 wave strategy needs that.

The last rallies need to hit around the last 10 seconds. So extra rally leaders can open at 05:40 or 05:30. That depends on their marching time. Hitting at the last seconds is important because your joiners can fill much more easier your rallies.


I like trap events. You can socialize with your alliance members.

It’s a really teamwork stuff. Hope that planning info helpful for your alliance.